" Взорвите Прибыль От Вашего Сетевого Бизнеса Или Информационного бюллетеня - Без Обычных Головных болей И Возрастающих Проблем - Используя Крупное достижение в Программном обеспечении  , которое Выполнит , За Вас , Ваш Бизнес "

Зачем тратить часы каждый день, повторяя одно и то же каждый день, когда Mailloop (изобретённая новая часть в программном обеспечении) может делать это все для Вас? Освободите ваше время, для того чтобы Вы могли выращивать ваш бизнес, наслаждаться вашей прибылью, и не быть рабом времени, выполняя эти хозяйственные работы, задачи, и установившиеся практику.

Дорогой Друг,

Если вы производитель и работаете интерактивно (или планируете ), Вы можете действовать индивидуализированно, развивая отправку сообщений - или прайс листов - для  Продаж изделий в огромном количестве. И потому что электронная почта ни стоит ни чего, каждая новая продажа приносит Вам Гарантируемую прибыль.

Если у Вас есть список, ведете его или есть постоянные клиенты , вы будете вероятно потрясены дополнительными деньгами которые Вы можете делать - выполняя простые отправки по почте (через электронную почту) Вашим клиентам . Есть только одна проблема

Чем больше становится ваш список , и чем больше количество отправок по почте, которые Вы делаете, тем больше становится Ваша рабочая нагрузка . И все больше ваше времени занято в вашем распорядке дня . 

Слишком часто, Сетевые новички по ошибке предполагают, что Информационный узел - это все, что Вам нужно для продаж интерактивно. Они забывают, что электронная почта -  ОГРОМНАЯ часть Вашего успеха.

Подумайте  только о том сколько  Вы будете обрабатывать, отвечая на объявления, вопросы, и высылая подтверждения заказа через электронную почту. Если Вы хотите иметь продажи повторно, от ваших клиентов, вы должны обслуживать клиента информируя его постоянно, и ещё отправлять по электронной почте предложения о наиболее рентабельной продукции.

Если вы сильны, вы будете также повторно использовать электронную почту или информационные бюллетени, чтобы обстрелять стеки денег, ваше  " относительно забытое " соревнование . Пункт, поскольку ваш бизнес растет …

Ваша Неделя Может Быть Занята Административной Работой!

Вот смотрите. Мой офис обрабатывает 600 писем электронной почты в день - да, в день. Это не началось в один момент. Но если я не имел вначале Автоматизированные вещи  ( Если бы я имел только один бизнес , получая 20 - 50 электронных писем в день), я бы никогда не имел времени, чтобы торговать и растить свой бизнес.

Факт, сильные сетевые бизнесмены (например, ваши конкуренты) оказываются в сложной ситуации  из за Обычных задач, будучи с расстройствами, и возрастающими болями, затрачивая много времени (часто навсегда) чтобы достичь любого реального роста!

If you don't take control of your business now -- if you don't automate the tasks and routines that will demand your time over and over again -- email WILL take over your life.

You didn't start your business so you could do the job of a secretary -- did you? You started it so you could own your life, spend more time with your family, have more fun, and most importantly, be in control of your destiny.

If I'm right about this, Mailloop is absolutely essential to your success. That's because it will free you forever from the repetitive chores, tasks, and routines that your online business will require.

This is why I personally use Mailloop everyday at my office. It makes my life a whole lot easier. And honestly, I can't imagine what I'd do without it.

Mailloop is also used by online marketing authorities such as Jonathan Mizel, publisher of "The Online Marketing Letter", and Declan Dunn, author of Winning The Affiliate Game.

Look: if you enjoy being a slave to your PC -- if you look forward to drowning in information requests, tedious questions, pasting information into your database, responding to common questions, subscribing and unsubscribing newsletter people, trading your ads, and "remove" requests (not to mention all of the boring, repetitive, and time-consuming administrative work your online business will require) -- this letter is not for you.

However, if you'd like to automate 95% of your online business, and profit wildly from follow-up mailings to your leads and customers (which cost you nothing, but always generate more sales), listen carefully...

William Zacharias is a great example of a home-based entrepreneur who's used Mailloop to lighten his overwhelming workload. Click here to read his testimonial.

Mailloop Is A Breeze To Use

Best of all, you run Mailloop with a simple click action button bar and "pull down menus" (just like the menus you use every day). You can get online help anytime by pressing the "F1" key. And once you get the hang of it, Mailloop is a breeze to use -- even if you're new to computers.

Oh -- at the end of this letter, you'll find out how you can download the Mailloop training videos for free, even before you decide to buy Mailloop.

To read testimonials from customers who've specifically thanked us for Mailloop's ease of use, click here.

Whether your goal is to buy the home of your dreams, spend four weeks in Hawaii every year, take your business to the next level, or just enjoy more quality time with your family, the first step is getting the burden of administrative chores off your back!

That's why you need Mailloop. It will give you the power to:

  • Put your daily tasks and routines on auto-pilot.
  • Skip the headaches and growing pains that online businesses almost always run into.
  • Free up your time so you can market and grow your business (and quit your day job a lot sooner).
  • Run your business remotely from anywhere in the world.
  • Easily get a colleague or employee to run Mailloop for you -- from anywhere in the world.

Here's another example of a home-based entrepreneur who's profiting from Mailloop:

"Mailloop allowed me to send out almost 100,000 personalized emails in just one day! This was when I was launching my new web site. I got thousands of hits to my web site and generated over $250,000 in new business. (And I'm not even) using the full potential of Mailloop as I should. I've been so busy dealing with the business I already have, I've been too busy to set up… autoresponders through Mailloop to generate even more business."

Todd Snively

I Know What I'm Talking About. My Online Business Did Over $5.4 Million Last Year (And I'm 29 Years Old).

You'll understand why when you look at my track record:

  • On the Net, I'm author of the #1 best-selling Internet marketing book, Insider's Secrets To Marketing Your Business On The Internet -- and the #1 best selling car book, Car Secrets Revealed.

  • I attract over 4 million visitors to my Web sites every year, and the income from my four online business broke $5.4 million last year… and I did it all from my one small office.

  • Because of these successes, I was featured on the Maury Povich TV show last year, and also at Jonathan Mizel's Online Marketing Power Summit, which was sold out at $2,000 per seat.

  • I was the first entrepreneur without millions in venture capital to develop affiliate software -- so that folks like you and I could model Amazon.com, and profit from our own affiliate programs.

  • My clients hire me for online business advice at $1280 per hour. And I have interests in many online projects, since I've done work for clients for a portion of the profits I generate.

You don't have to take my word for it. Feel free to email any of the 12 customers whose testimonials you'll find in this letter. To make it easy for you, I've included the appropriate URL address with basically every testimonial.

NOTE: If your online business is in a start-up phase, the next 5 pages will give you a priceless education, and help you understand all of the ways that Mailloop can assist you. However, if you already know how follow-up mailings can multiply your profits, AND you know how much extra work they can create, you can click here to skip ahead about 5 pages, and go right to the actual features of Mailloop.

Email Can Bring You Sales Beyond Belief

Here's an example. I've got a big database of people who know and trust me. And when I do a large mailing, Mailloop gives me the power to personalize each and every message. Well the net profit on a follow-up email we recently sent this database (customers and leads) was over $74,000. And the entire process took just 20 minutes of work.

That's why I say email can explode your profits -- if you use it the way I teach you to. (Remember, you'll get my "Insider's Method To Making $10,000+ Every Month From Your Email List" free when you order Mailloop by February 26, 2001 .)

Do you think Bill Gates handles all of Microsoft's email correspondence personally? Of course not. His employees do it for him.

You can hire employees too -- if you've got the capital and office space, and you don't mind hiring, firing, managing people, and doing payroll!

Or, you can buy Mailloop.

Whether you want to grow your business or have more time off, Mailloop will free you from the busy work, so you don't get trapped doing the job of a secretary… so you can lead your business like a CEO should. Isn't this the role you've worked for and deserve?

In short, Mailloop is the most complete (and most user-friendly) business automation software on the market. And it's guaranteed to pay for itself within 90 days -- or it costs you nothing.

Basic Steps To Making Sales Online

Here are some of the initial steps to generating leads and making sales online. As your business grows, every one of these will consume more and more of your time -- unless you own Mailloop.

  • Generating qualified leads who are shopping for what you sell right now (i.e. by running ads, participating in newsgroups, trading links, buying traffic to your Web site, and sending them your newsletter, etc.)

  • Sending out sales material that motivates them to buy from you immediately.

  • Replying to potential customers who responds or emails you with questions -- so you don't lose sales you could've closed.

  • Sending order confirmations to new customers; because this affirms the good decision they've made, it will minimize returns, and make them more likely to buy from you again, thus improving customer service.

  • Entering the names and email addresses of new leads and customers into your database (along with any other info you've captured) so that you can easily send them follow up offers -- which are just about guaranteed to generate more sales.

Without Mailloop, just these tasks can eat up hours every day, and keep you from growing your business.

That's exactly why Eric Flotron bought Mailloop. To hear Eric tell us how Mailloop has increased his profits AND freed him from his PC, click here.

If You're Not Following Up With Your Leads And Customers On A Regular Basis, You're Losing Money!

Look: it's expensive to advertise for new leads and customers, And it's time-consuming to generate leads the "free" ways.

But it's free to send follow up email -- or a newsletter -- to the folks who've already given you their email addresses. If you do it right, and you've got a respectable list, you'll almost always generate new orders. That's a guaranteed profit every time you mail! And with Mailloop, this process is quick and painless!

Here are a couple of ways you can use email (sent to your leads or customers) to double -- or even quadruple -- your current profits:

  • Email a follow-up offer to your customers, compelling them to buy one of your other products. This is known as a "back end" offer. Mailloop personalizes each and every message -- automatically.

  • If your product is consumable (i.e. if your customers constantly run out and need more), Mailloop can send them follow up messages reminding them when it's time to re-order.

  • Offer a free newsletter. Use it to promote your products, prove your credibility, or answer concerns that might be keeping your prospects from buying. With Mailloop, you can schedule unlimited newsletters -- and schedule them to be sent automatically.

  • Most of your leads haven't purchased yet? Give them a "second chance", and make your offer even more compelling. For example, offer an additional free bonus. It's a proven fact: the more times they hear from you, the more leads you'll convert into customers.

In short, the most lucrative gold mine in your business is repeat sales from leads and customers you've already generated. So, if you want to rake up all of the profits you're entitled to, never stop contacting them!

And remember: no matter how many ads you place, no matter how many leads you generate, no matter how people visit your site, the majority are not going to buy from you on their first visit.

That's why it's so important to own software that will keep your leads queued for -- and empower you to instantly send out -- quick and painless mailings.

For an in-depth guide to exploding your profits with follow-up email, make sure you order Mailloop by February 26, 2001 . That's the only way you can get a free copy of "The Insider's Method To Making $10,000+ Every Month From Your Email List".

I'm sure you see now that the potential is enormous. However, to do these mailings quickly, easily, and without the usual hassles, there are some very important steps you need to take. This is where Mailloop comes in. For example, you need to:

  • First consolidate the email addresses scattered around your PC into one organized list (they may be located in text files, databases, web pages, old saved emails in your email box, etc.)

  • When you mail to a big list, protect yourself from looking like a spammer -- by first combing out duplicates, and the addresses of folks who might frown if you contacted them repeatedly (i.e. abuse@abc.com, auditor@irs.gov, etc.)

  • After every mailing, clean your list by removing undeliverables, and the addresses of people who've sent you "remove" requests, flames, and bombs.

  • To maximize revenues from your list, regularly mail personalized follow up messages -- or newsletters -- to everyone on your list.

Sound like a lot of work? If you don't own Mailloop, it is!

But with Mailloop, you can automate all of these tasks. So you can milk your list again and again, without being bogged down by tons of administrative work.

Act Now Before Your Competitors Get Wise

Incredibly, most online businesses still don't realize the value of capturing -- and repeatedly following up with -- their leads and customers! Just think back to the Web sites you've visited in recent months. Think back to the purchases you've made. How many of those businesses have followed up with you on a regular basis?

I bet you can count them on one hand!

This is why the opportunity before you is enormous. Right now -- before your competitors wise up -- you've got a chance to capture and lock up a HUGE share of the market.

Just imagine what it'll be like once you've won the loyalty of tens (or hundreds) of thousands customers -- once they know you, like you, and trust you -- to the point where they see you as the only source for the solutions they need. Can you see yourself smiling proudly, knowing that you've permanently locked up that share of the market?

What's The Secret To Making Millions Online?

You've got to build a list of people who know you, like you, and trust you. That's why so many businesses offer free e-zines or electronic newsletters. (To keep it simple, I'll just say "newsletters", OK?)

Giving out useful information, free of charge, is a great way to build relationships with the folks on your email list, if you know the secrets in the manual I've offered you as a free bonus.

I know one newsletter -- on the topic of gardening -- that's got over 100,000 subscribers!

Now suppose these subscribers get two offers for gardening supplies -- one from a company they've never dealt with, and one from the newsletter publisher they know, like, and trust --

Who Are They Going To Buy From?

Of course, the newsletter publisher! The other company will likely get a barrage of flames and bombs -- since its email came off as spam (i.e. unsolicited junk mail).

This Is How I Generated Over $5.4 Million Last Year -- And How You Can Too

Like the newsletter publisher I just mentioned, you must grow your list of people who know and trust you. When they know and trust you, they'll buy from you. And the more they hear from you, the more receptive they become.

By the way, if you're smart and decide to publish a newsletter, Mailloop will subscribe and unsubscribe people upon request -- automatically.

As you think about how much money you can make -- as your head swells with ideas -- don't limit your vision to just the products that you sell.

See, once you've got a list of people who know and trust you, other business owners will climb over each other to advertise in your newsletter. They'll even split their profits with you -- when you endorse their products to your list. I've done this many times, and it's very profitable.

John Abbott, one of our customers, is doing it too. To hear how Mailloop has helped him earn over $200,000 in advertising revenue, click here.

In short, once you've got that big list of responsive prospects, there's no limit to how much money you can make. And there's never a downside risk, because your mailings are always free.

Now I'll go into detail about each of Mailloop's features. However, if you've already convinced yourself that you need Mailloop, you can click here to order Mailloop now and claim your free bonus immediately.

Do you have any questions at this time? If so, please Click here to chat live with one of our knowledgeable Mailloop representatives right now.

Automate Everything With Mailloop's Scheduler

The best part about Mailloop is its scheduler. It runs continuously and performs the functions you tell it to as often as you want -- automatically. It can perform a task once every 5 minutes, once every day, or as often as you want. And there's no limit to how many functions you can schedule. For example, you can automatically do the following every Monday and Thursday at 4:00am:

  • Run an external program that backs up your computer data to tape.
  • Launch Mailloop and connect to your ISP.
  • Send personalized e-mail to everyone in a mail merge data file.
  • Run the Incoming Mailbox processor and add undeliverables to an email list and send out autoresponses.
  • Disconnect from your ISP.
  • Reboot the computer if there's ever 20 minutes of inactivity.
  • End Mailloop after disconnecting from your ISP.
  • Launch a batch file that runs other programs that do what you require.

Or you can use the Mailloop Scheduler to do something as simple as launch your word processor at 9:01am Monday through Friday. There are an infinite number of possibilities. Pretty impressive, isn't it?

Mailloop Newsgroup Features

To hear Deborah Sheffield rave about Mailloop's newsgroup features, and how they've saved her lots of time, click here.

This feature (unlimited newsgroup posting) is very powerful. But for your sake, use it with a conscience. You'll get a much better result if you target your posts to newsgroups related to your topic. That could be hundreds of newsgroups if your industry is computers, or just a few if your industry is gardening.

But don't squander your time posting to newsgroups that aren't related to what you sell. Besides the fact that your results will be embarrassing -- your time could be so much better spent on marketing that works -- this is considered "newsgroup spamming", and it's against Netiquette.

Instantly Find The Favorite Newsgroups Of Your Future Customers

Mailloop will give you access to your ISP's news group as well as all public groups. Even better, with its newsgroup search feature, you can find the newsgroups most likely to be frequented by your future customers. As an example, you could find for all newsgroups that:

  • include the word "widget"
  • but not the word "moderated"

Automatically Replies To Incoming Mail With Exactly The Right Message
(With Unlimited Autoresponders)

Once you're generating leads, you can set up Mailloop to automatically scan the Subject line of every message you receive, and identify key words you've specified. Then it can:

  • Respond to the email with a "form letter" you've written ahead of time, and personalize that response by merging in the prospect's name and other information -- automatically. (So your message looks personal and isn't mistaken for spam.)

  • Forward that message to another email address (unlimited forwarding), or execute a "Return to sender" command -- automatically.

  • Add pre-programmed message headers to your outgoing or forwarded messages,

  • As different groups of people contact you (i.e. your prospects might send email to freereport@abc.com, while your customers send email to support@abc.com), Mailloop will automatically send each of them the appropriate response. It'll also separate their addresses into the appropriate lists -- for example, widget inquiries and customer surveys. So you can easily follow up with appropriate messages in the future.

  • Every time a prospect turns into a customer (by placing a first order), Mailloop can automatically remove his or her addresses from your "leads" list. So you can mail over and over to your leads list, without ever having to worry that you've forgotten to remove new customers.

  • There's no limit to the number of responses you can queue for automatic delivery. They're built in to Mailloop -- saving you the cost of renting autoresponders from your ISP!

To hear how Joe Malek is profiting from 10 different autoresponders, thanks to Mailloop, click here.

There are still features to tell you about. However, if you've already convinced yourself that you need Mailloop, you can click here to order Mailloop now and claim your free bonus immediately.

Do you have any questions at this time? If so, please Click here to chat live with one of our knowledgeable Mailloop representatives right now.

Personalized Follow-Up Is A Snap When Names & Emails Are Captured Automatically From Your Web Site

Does your Web site have forms? For example, order forms? Or forms where people can subscribe to your list?

Until now, capturing visitor information was easy - but transferring it to your database was very time consuming No more!

Mailloop can convert Web site form submissions (like orders, applications, leads, etc.) into "email merge data files" -- automatically. Which means you can:

  • Automatically capture and store contact information from your web site visitors (i.e. names, emails, postal addresses, etc.) in Mailloop's custom database.

  • Import that same information into any standard database program (like Microsoft Access or FileMaker Pro).

  • "Mail merge" a limitless amount of contact information into your email messages -- not just first names. So you can completely customized your follow-up sales messages. For example, you could email your customers and personalize it like this: "Thank you John for your purchase of the Golfing Techniques Video on April, 19. I am sending this email because we have a new video at a special price.... etc"

  • Completely personalize large mailings, newsletters, lead follow-ups, applications you get... and so on.

And you can do this all with the push of a button. And all automatically! This is incredibly powerful if used correctly! Are you starting to see how Mailloop can save you incredible amounts of time?

Once you've started capturing contact information from your leads and customers, you're on your way to making serious money on the Net. But you may also have email addresses scattered in different files on your PC -- for example, addresses from text files, databases, web pages, old saved emails in your email box, etc.

Mailloop can extract these email addresses from virtually any file on your computer and organize them all into its own simple database -- no need for cutting and pasting.

Mailloop even has a feature that I am not aware of in any other software... as it builds a list for you from your email box (ie. past emails, leads, or ad respondents, etc.).... it takes the information from the "From" field of the email and tries to decifer the firstname and lastname from each email. If it can, it will save firstname and lastname. From EVERY email you just don't have email addresses, you have their firstname and lastname... and Mailloop does that all automatically. You already know the power of personalized email by firstname, right?! This is just one of the many features that we have incorporated in Mailloop from a "marketers" point of view (as we are marketing and promoting businesses every day online) compared to some "programmers" point of view of what the software should have (a programmer would never know that these kinds of features are important to us small business owners). To say the least, Mailloop has it all.

Now imagine you've built a list of thousands of email addresses. Maybe you already have.

Here's The Tricky Part

Even if the folks on your list gave you their email addresses -- and even if they've purchased from you before -- many of them will still mistake your follow up email messages for "spam" (i.e. junk mail).

And in many cases, your message will be automatically filtered by their email programs -- so they never even see it!


  • Some folks may have forgotten that they gave you their addresses, and/or they may not recognize your email address when they hear from you again.

  • Your email message isn't personalized. It doesn't open up with "Dear Richard" (for example). To most people, that's a sure sign of spam.

  • Your email list includes several addresses at the same domain. For example: staff@abc.com, info@abc.com, and sales@abc.com. Since the same person checks all of the email, that person gets all three of your messages -- and it comes across as spam.

  • People who spam generally paste their email lists to the BCC field. (Unless they have Mailloop!) Since consumers have gotten wise to this, they've set up filters in their email programs to automatically trash any email message without THEIR address in the "TO:" field -- before they even see it.

If any of these things happen, the recipient will trash your message and they may even set up a "filter" to automatically trash all future email from you.

You can get flamed or bombed, and you can waste hours handling all of the "remove" requests and bad emails. Not to mention all of the time you waste looking for duplicate addresses. And worst case, if anyone complains to your ISP, your dial-up account can get shut down!

So what are you going to do? Spend an entire day personalizing thousands of messages by hand? Comb through your list (and wear out your eyes) looking for every address with the same domain name?

Come on!

Mailloop is the answer -- it gives you the power to:

  • Quadruple the response to your mailings -- by personalizing your email messages (i.e. "Dear Richard"). When your recipients see their names in your email, they assume that you know them.

  • Automatically place each recipient's own email address in the "To:" field of his or her email. (So no one sees the address of a blind carbon copy recipient in that field, and no one mistakes your mail for spam.)

  • Filter your incoming email to remove duplicate addresses and duplicate domain names -- so nobody gets your email multiple times, making you look like a spammer.

  • Combine, subtract, split up, merge, sort, and count the number of addresses in your email lists -- and easily get rid of duplicates! For example, with Mailloop, it's easier than ever to remove customers from your "leads" email lists so you can follow up... or remove competitors from your email list so they can't spy on you (discussed in my home-study course in detail).

  • Mailloop even has a feature that I am not aware of in any other software... as it builds a list for you from your email box (ie. past emails, leads, or ad respondents, etc.).... it takes the information from the "From" field of the email and tries to decifer the firstname and lastname from each email. If it can, it will save firstname and lastname from EVERY email you just don't have email addresses, you have their firstname and last name... and Mailloop does that all automatically. You already know the power of personalized email by firstname, right?! This is just one of the many features that we have incorporated in Mailloop from a "marketers" point of view (as we are marketing and promoting businesses every day online) compared to some "programmers" point of view of what the software should have (a programmer would never know that these kinds of features are important to us small business owners).

Here is a screen capture of Mailloop sending out a message to an email list.


But that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Explode Your Sales With Newsletters -- Without Adding To Your Overhead Or Workload

Without Mailloop, running a newsletter can be expensive. For starters, you need to pay your ISP for special Listserve or Majordomo software.

With a subscriber base of just 2,000 people (which is very easy to get), expect to pay a $100 set-up fee and $50+ per month just to maintain the list. However, as your subscriber base grows, the fee will increase to as high as $500 per month!

With Mailloop, it costs you NOTHING to run your newsletter -- no matter how big you get. Plus, it gives you the power to:

  • Run multiple newsletters, automatically.

  • Enjoy a hands-free business. Mailloop will subscribe and unsubscribe people to the newsletters they request, automatically.

  • You or someone else can run your newsletter remotely from anywhere in the world. In other words, with just a login name and password, you can have a friend, colleague, or employee run everything in your newsletter from any computer in the world.

  • Groom your newsletter list and perform related functions offline, so you don't have to be connected to the Internet (Mailloop is hosted on your PC, not your ISP's server).

To find out how Robert Imbriale used Mailloop to automate his newsletter mailings earn over $25,000 (so far), click here.

With Mailloop you can publish as many newsletters as you want. For example, you can:

  • Publish a free newsletter (promoted by your Web site, SIG file, and ads) that keeps subscribers up-to-date about changes to your site... or contains articles demonstrating the benefits of what you sell.

  • Publish topic-specific newsletters for different groups of prospects. In your ads, you can say something like "send an email message with 'subscribe widgets' in the subject and you'll automatically be informed when news is breaking in the widgets market..."

  • Publish a special "members only" newsletter for your customers or distributors, giving them special deals or insider information.

  • Make money by publishing a paid newsletter. For example, you could charge $95 per year for a monthly newsletter on stock market tips (or whatever). Since it costs you nothing to write and deliver your newsletter, that $95 would be pure profit.

To hear Jeremy Pritchard report on how Mailloop's newsletter features alone save him $100 per month, click here.

There are still more features to tell you about. However, if you've already convinced yourself that you need Mailloop, you can click here to order Mailloop now and claim your free bonus immediately.

Do you have any questions at this time? If so, please Click here to chat live with one of our knowledgeable Mailloop representatives right now.

Broken Connection With Your Server? Your Three-Hour Mailing Was Dead -- Until Now

  • Start and stop mailing to lists or newsgroups at any point, and pick up exactly where you left off later. This feature is a Godsend if you ever lose your Internet connection. Or if you just want to split your mailing into more than one session. You'll never have to start a mailing over from the beginning, because you couldn't complete your entire mailing in one session.

  • Intelligent crash recovery. When something unexpected happens, like broken server connection, Mailloop will process the accumulated data, so you can resume the interrupted session at a later time.

Not For Sending Unsolicited Bulk Email

Please don't get Mailloop confused with "bulk email" software. Yes, it does big mailings fast. (You can send up to 4,000 personalized emails per hour with just a 33.6K modem.) But it's not designed to harvest email addresses from newsgroups, websites, AOL, and forums so you can spam them with unsolicited email. This will just get you into trouble, and we don't condone or recommend it.

Besides, spam stopped being profitable a long time ago. We get calls everyday from gullible beginners who've tried it, and almost all of them did not make a single dime. (And they got themselves into a lot of trouble with their ISPs, amongst other things!)

Sorts And Filters Your Incoming Mail Like A 24-Hour Secretary Who Never Makes Mistakes!

Without Mailloop, your list can get very messy. For example, suppose you joint venture with someone who drives traffic to your site. Or a colleague recommends your newsletter to his email list. Sounds good, right?

Sure it does, but you can easily wind up with multiple addresses for the same person. This will also happen when unsuspecting web surfers respond to your ads -- or subscribe to your list -- more than once. And it can take you hours to find these duplicates!

If you aggravate the folks on your list -- if you keep mailing them several copies of your messages -- you're dead in the water. That's one more reason you've got to own Mailloop. You can set it up to:

  • Clean up your email list by deleting invalid entries (such as fred@domain.xxx) and bogus entries (such as Joe_No_Spam@domain.com) before you do a mailing.

  • Automatically remove people from your lists who've sent you remove requests.

  • Filter addresses by any keyword or partial string, such as ".gov", "edu", or any address with "spam", "abuse", "majordomo", "listserv", your competition's domains, etc... automatically.

  • You don't even need to guess at what these keywords might be. A pop-up list with all of the keywords you may wish to filter (except for your competition's domains) is included in the program.

  • Filter any email by geographic location (continent, country, or geographical location) to target your emails to a certain area

Here's another problem you're likely to face… as your list grows, you'll find that it contains more and more addresses with user names such as webmaster, postmaster, sales, info, support, etc. all to the same domain. The problem is that, oftentimes, all addresses at a given domain are received by the same person!

Mailloop will protect you from this type of "domain bombing". For example, if your list includes sales@abc.com, info@abc.com, support@abc.com, AND admin@abc.com, Mailloop will automatically find these domain duplicates, and send email to only as many as you've programmed it to. You can set the limit to 1, 2, or whatever you like.

Now suppose you do a mailing to several thousand leads or customers. You're going to get swamped with questions, orders, bad addresses, and remove requests (and maybe even a few flames or bombs).

Again, this is why Mailloop is an absolute Godsend. Here's what it looks like when you're downloading email. There are many options you cannot see here, but this gives you an idea of what I'm talking about:


Because Mailloop's powerful filters will do 95% all of the administrative work for you….

  • You'll never waste hours hand-processing "remove" requests (from folks who want to get off your list). Mailloop does it for you - automatically!

  • When you send a message that comes back as "undeliverable" (of which you'll always get quite a few if you're doing big mailings), Mailloop will determine if it's a "fatal" error (i.e. a bad username or invalid domain address) and if it is, that entry will be deleted from your list automatically. Or, if it's a "non-fatal" error (i.e. just a delay in an email) it will ignore it.

  • You'll be shielded from email bombs and flames. Even a few nasty flames can really sting… trust me. Mailloop will identify and destroy all flames and bombs before you ever see them. Then it'll find the senders' addresses in your main list and remove them automatically -- so they never get email from you again.

  • You can even filter your incoming email by "key word" (i.e. remove your competition from your mailing lists), geographic location (i.e. filter by continent, country, or geographical region), and more - automatically!

This is why Marie Dickerson loves Mailloop. To hear Marie thank us for the life of pure pleasure she enjoys now, click here.

Growing Your Business = Big Headaches

Most online business owners will tell you this:

The more leads you generate, the more expensive your business becomes. First you need more software. Then you become more dependent on vendors (like your ISP) and other people's computers.

Then, you're likely to face more compatibility problems (i.e. why aren't these three pieces of software working together like they're supposed to?!) You're can get run-arounds from software manufacturers -- each of whom blames the others for your problems. I've been through it, and it's not fun.

Makes Your Life Easier!

  • With Mailloop, you have complete control -- because it runs entirely on your computer. And you can run everything with one piece of software. No compatibility problems. No software or special configuration required on your ISP's server.

  • No complicated database programs to learn for working with the email lists. All email lists are saved in ASCII text format that can be easily edited as all lists are saved in the format of one email address per line.

  • Run Mailloop in the background while you use your computer to do other things/run other programs.

Makes Your Online Business Truly Hands-Free!

Which means you can spend more time with your family. A lot more! You break out of the 9-5 rat race forever. Be your own boss. Set your own hours. Work on your own terms. And go traveling for a week -- or a month -- because your income will no longer depend on you being "at work".

If you're like me, and being a creative entrepreneur is your greatest love, you can use your newfound free time to grow your business into an empire. That's what is most fulfilling to me.

As I mentioned, once you're set up to do large mailings, it's easy to strike joint ventures with other businesses who want to advertise to your list -- and this opens up a new world of profitable opportunities!

But no matter what you decide to do with your newfound free time, you've got to agree… What good is your own business if it keeps you chained to your computer, 12 hours per day, 365 days per year, doing routine administrative work?

User Friendly & Specially Designed For Entrepreneurs

When I bought Mailloop for my own business, not only did I pay full price ($699.00). I also had to live with a few design oversights. Yes, it performed the functions I needed, but I wasn't 100% happy with the way everything appeared on the screen.

The new version I'm offering you was re-designed under my supervision. So it's designed from the standpoint of an entrepreneur who's running a real-world online business… someone who's been in your shoes, and already knows what your needs will be, as your online business grows.

Now before I tell you the price, remember that owning Mailloop is like having a fast-thinking computer wizard working around the clock without pay -- someone who's completely devoted to your business, never makes mistakes, never gets sick, and never even breaks for coffee. How much would it cost you to hire someone like that?

Or, to be realistic, how much would it cost you just to hire an average administrative assistant? Someone who does make mistakes, does get sick, and does only what's required to stay employed?

Mailloop normally costs $699... but because my customer list is very big, I was able to negotiate the following deal with the software developer…

If you have associates at other locations (for example, if you're in MLM), you can get the 10-user version for the single copy price of $699. This means you can have up to 10 associates at different locations all profiting from Mailloop.

Or, if you just need one copy, you can get it right now for just $379. This is a serious bargain for all of the bulk email, autoresponders, newsletters, web form processing, filtering, email merging, and other features you're going to enjoy.

The other bulk email programs (like Mail King, Netcontact, Email Magnets, etc...) don't allow you to run newsletters, autoresponders, filter your email, automatically create databases from web forms, do full unlimited amounts of email merging (personalization), protect yourself against email bombs, and much more.

Here's the bottom line. Mailloop is the only complete Internet email, newsletter server, web form processor, bulk email, customer database, and autoresponder solution. It will give you an unfair advantage over your competition. Period.

No other software does what Mailloop does in one program. And I've looked at every alternative. But you don't have to take my word for it.

Prove To Yourself That Mailloop Is A Must-Have

You can click here to download any of the Mailloop training videos and watch Mailloop in action today, right on your computer screen. You can see for yourself why it's such a milestone.

There are 21 videos in all, and they're absolutely free. Just know that it can take 3 - 14 minutes in download time per video (depending on the size of the particular video, and the speed of your modem).

To read raving testimonials from customers who specifically thank us for our training videos and outstanding technical support, click here.

If your time is valuable, I suggest that you order Mailloop first (and grab the free bonus), and then download the videos. This way, you'll be able to do what you've learned after watching each video. You won't have to watch them all a second time.

Your Guarantee: Mailloop Pays For Itself Within 90 Days Or It Costs You Nothing

That's right. You have 90 days to profit from Mailloop and convince yourself that it's the best thing that's ever happened to your online business. If Mailloop doesn't pay for itself within 90 days, just send us an email saying so, and you'll be issued a full 100% refund within 48 hours. You won't even have to ship anything back (because Mailloop is delivered digitally)!

And, no matter what you decide, "The Insider's Method To Making $10,000+ Every Month From Your Email List" is yours to keep. Remember, the manual comes with the actual follow up messages I've used to generate tens of thousands of dollars. When you follow the blueprint in this manual, there's no reason why you can't do the same… or even better.

The training videos I mentioned will walk you through Mailloop, step by step, just as if we were over your shoulder, showing you personally how to use it.

This means you won't have to spend days wading through a cumbersome manual. You can get right down to business.

Don't lose your chance to capture and lock up the entire market share you can, starting today, before your competitors get wise.

Don't seal your fate as one of thousands of struggling online marketers who becomes so bogged down by time-consuming routines and tasks that your growth rate slows to a virtual halt.

NOTE: Product available via electronic download only
System Requirements -

PC Requirements

  • 486-66 (Pentium 75 or greater recommended)
  • Windows 9x, NT
  • 16MB (32MB Recommended)
  • 28.8k (or faster) Internet Connection
  • 15 megs free HD space

Macintosh Requirements

  • Compatible PC Emulator (Virtual PC by Connectix is one we recommend, you can get more information at http://www.connectix.com/)
  • Mac OS 7.5.5 or later
  • 15MB free Hard Drive space
  • 28.8k (or faster) Internet Connection

Click here now to start automating your business without risk -- using our secure server. Within one minute, our computer will email you the registration information and download instructions you need to start profiting from Mailloop immediately.

If your web browser will not support secure servers... click here to print out an order form to mail in or fax. Keep in mind that when you use our order form on our Secure Server, we can email you everything you need - in under one minute.

Do you have any questions at this time? If so, please Click here to chat live with one of our knowledgeable Mailloop representatives right now.

Or, feel free to contact one of our representatives at our office by phone at 1-604-730-2833 between the hours of 8am and 4pm PST, Monday through Friday.

Finally, remember that Mailloop is guaranteed to pay for itself within 90 days. If it doesn't (very unlikely!), just send an email to refunds@marketingtips.com, and you'll be issued a full 100% refund within 48 hours. You won't even have to ship anything back.

Corey Rudl, President

P.S. Your order must be received by February 26, 2001 to get the free bonus:

  1. "The Insider's Method To Making $10,000+ Every Month From Your Email List".

P.P.S. Using Mailloop's "unlimited newsletter" feature, you can also make money hosting other people's newsletters! If you charge less than the ISPs do, newsletter authors will be glad to do business with you.

Best of all, Mailloop is designed so that the day-to-day burden of maintaining newsletters falls on their publishers -- not on you. It allows them to maintain and edit their mailing lists, and create, update, and send their newsletters, all from their own computers.

Here's a screen capture when I was creating a newsletter. It takes all of about 30-45 seconds to create one!


P.P.P.S. You don't want your newsletter mail-out -- or any big mailing -- to bring back hundreds (or even thousands) of bad addresses. That can slow down your ISP's system. However, as your email list gets bigger and bigger, your mailings are bound to produce more and more undeliverables. It's a fact of life.

The solution?

You can buy software that "acts like a mail server". It goes directly to your recipients' servers to find out if their addresses are valid -- before delivering your email. Your email is then delivered only to valid addresses, so your ISP never gets bogged down by a flood of undeliverables. This software costs anywhere from $200 - $350. The good news is, Mailloop already has this software built into it.

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